Indoor or Outdoor Pipe Freeze Services
Indoor Pipe Freeze Plug Services can be performed on any of the following pipeline system modifications:
By-pass the need to dig up road meters to shut down waterUltra High Pipeline Pressurized Systems
Valve Installations
Broken Valve Replacement
Pipe Section Replacement
Equipment Isolation
Pipe Branch Terminations
Pipe Relocations
Indoor tight area pipeline modifications
Pipe Freeze Plug Limitations:
IFT can even perform pipe freeze plugs on flowing copper pipelines up to 2” with our innovated approach to problem-solving. Other pipe types with any flow cannot form freeze plugs using liquid nitrogen, therefore will need to use the following mechanical Linestop service methods. Pipes that have a fast leak tend to have flow and in some cases cannot be frozen and will also require our Linstop services. Fluids containing glycol upwards to 20-30% and other petrochemicals with very low freeze points will also require our Line Stopping services.
Indoor / Outdoor Pipe Freeze Plugs
Freeze Plugging & Ice Plug Services
IFT’s Indoor Pipe Freeze Plug Services Enable Critical Pipe Systems Remain Online and with NO Costly Shutdowns or System Drain-downs!
For over 37+ years, IFT ranks top Nationally for our fast response time servicing indoor and outdoor critical pipe systems to prevent unwanted shutdowns. IFT remains committed and proud to offer 12”-36” Pipe Freeze Plugs Nationwide. Pipe Freeze Plugging is a cost effective alternative to our mechanical Linestop services and is designed to isolate sections of pipe where valves are in tight areas, unavailable or inoperable. Through a combination of IFT’s Hot Tap, Linestop, and Pipe Freeze Plugging services, we can guarantee that your pipe systems will stay in service.
Pipe freeze plug technology is a simple, cost-effective method to perform pipeline maintenance or modifications without draining. Using liquid nitrogen or CO2 to isolate the problem area in the pipeline by freezing the product inside the pipe to form one or more solid pipe freeze plugs. This allows for very little drain-down or refill, having to bleed problematic air out of pipes during refills, and in many cases, no system downtime. Once the pipe work is complete, the freeze plugs are thawed and are back in operation. Standard pipe freeze plugs range in size from 1/2" to 36" outside diameter (OD) and can be performed on most fluids. Freeze plugs are constantly monitored and are designed to withstand up to 3,000 PSI line pressure. Independent laboratory tests have documented that no physical change in the structural integrity of the pipe occurs due to the controlled freezing process using liquid nitrogen. Another benefit of pipe freeze plugs over the mechanical line stopping method is that there are no bulky fittings left behind on the pipeline system and can be performed in tight locations.
Pipe freezing can be performed on a variety of pipes, including:
1/2" to 36" (13mm to 914.4mm) OD
CoCast & Ductile Ironated & Lined Pipe
Vertical, Horizontal, Inclined
Out of Round Carbon Steel
Stainless Steel
Cast Iron
Internally / Externally Coated
Cement Lined / CMLC